wat did i do all day?
seriously dont know wat's wrong with me :P
fell asleep on turk's bed, with cuddles. made turks let me sleep with cuddles. the BEST bed partner i could ask for. who needs males wen u hav cuddles.
woke up relaxed.
really relaxed & happy.
got ready for the day in about 15 minutes.
ate shapes & an apple while driving to station. i think my mind never woke up.
that's often a worry...
met up with an amazing housemate. really looking forward to moving out.
day consisted of trying to understand people, but never succeeded.
mind DEFINITELY wasn't awake.
plus everyone seemed to hav an accent.
so question........
you can seriously find the most hilarious, disturbing, & fantastic outfits there.
i also want to get a nighty. dont know why. just do.
also, would anyone kill me if i bought & wore a woollen pull over jumper? like grandma-ish.
i sort of want to.
i hav lately discovered that the name "Jane" is used quite often to represent a nobody. someone who can't be named. a generalisation.
"Plain Jane".
"Jane the citizen".
surprisingly i'm not really affected.
just slightly amused.
bahahahaha just watched the commonwealth bank ad.
"Don't get a girlfriend. They take all your money."
we so don't.
typical commonwealth bank.
oh wait...i'm with the commonwealth bank.
got asked today twice about where the new dfo was.
seemed a tad strange.
only knew vaguely how to get there.
just told everyone to keep walking straight & they'll get there eventually.
ah asian tourists. don't you love them.
keeps me on my toes.
dancing makes me so happy.
whether doing it or watching it.
the emotion it elicts.
just incredible.
such a wonderful thing in life that provides something amazing to be enjoyed.
"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation,
whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want."
-Philippians 4:12

Till we meet again...
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