Yesterday began with a lovely two & a half hours sitting in a relaxing hair salon reading fashion magazines.
well i mean that's not all i did there...i did actually get my hair done.
i now hav a fringe & cool shiny colours that twinkle in the sunlight thru my hair.
it is requiring a bit of getting used to on my part, but overall quite happy :-)
i then went home, received a phone call by the person who could most probably literally recall my past 36 hours to anyone who asked.
was nice to talk tho.
it's always nice to talk to that person.
life just complicates things.
my continual smile wen talking sort of forgives those complications tho.
realised time had slipped right thru my fingers.
got a phone call from mum telling me to get on a train in 10 minutes.
stress attack to the most.
but i did manage to get my pj's & toothbrush & id (unklike some people).
got to the station.
train was late.
could hav packed a book & more clothes.
ah well.
briefly saw my Daddy. he loved my haircut. yay :-)
walked an awful lot of concrete & waited an awful lot of time.
the magical powers of a certain someone to lassoo trams could be questioned.
but eventually paid off.
and gave me many a smile & laugh.
had an AMAZING tomato & capsicum soup.
tastes so much better after not eating much beforehand.
the night ended out with so much fun.
this in detail can be read on ending silence's blog.
she definitely provides the best & funniest parts of the evening/morning.
woke up much later than thought.
boiling hot.
someone very lovely & thoughtful decided the air con might be a good idea.
pineapple juice welcomed me to the day at around 2:30pm.
definitely looking back am embarassed by my look that i ventured out into the public eye in.
no doubt it wont be my last tho.
how sad...
managed (for once) to catch the train that i planned to catch.
this is actually a miracle.
maybe it was because my bad luck transport charm left me at ivanhoe going the opposite direction.
oh & yes, bad luck transport charm, your train did pass me at Alphington right on the dot.
i was extremely impressed & happy :-)
shower tonight was painful, inspecting my blistered, bloody feet.
hopefully will stay off them for tonight and tommorow.
and stay out of those shoes.
as i seem to only hav one more day before i head over to ballarat, i'm getting really nervous.
i'm going to miss turks and scottie way too much.
i really done know how i'm going to cope.
just want to move into my new house.
start afresh.
start the year which seems to hav taken a while to get to.
just move.
get moving.
start the engine.
move those wheels.
honk the horn.
feel the wind in my hair.
and it scares me not knowing how things could dramatically change.
emotions. feelings. finances. circumstances. friends.
it all just feels to much to comprehend, so i'm kind of pushing it back, hoping it will go away.
but from past experience, i really dont think it does.
the support from people who i treasure most will keep me going i think.
and they'll remain with me forever.
VERY frustrated at not being able to understand people.
then wondering whether it's worth waiting & suffering in silence to get a small glimpse of understanding, still not certain of whether it'll ever open up fully.
tommorow's plan: packing.
how fun.
"Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up."
-1 Corinthians 8:1b

Till we meet again...
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