i woke up.
saw the post it note i had written the night before reminding me to put on a load of washing.
put on the winter olympics.
quickly chose a recipe & made pasta to take with me for lunch.
my mind was in a mindset of knowing exactly wat had to be done, wen i had to leave, & wat train i was taking.
despite this, my ridiculous inability to choose something to wear & involvment in tv activities caused me to again be rushing round the house in a state of mad headless chicken-like ways.
i think i did look decent wen walking out the door, but much to my dismay forgot an ipod or book so my train rides were extremely boring.
ah the life of someone who cant seem to organise everything the way it should be.
ok just heard my cat's bell...really didn't know she was here.
still dont know where she is.
gah this is a tad freaky....
oh no wait, i see her.
in the chair next to me.
well that woke me up.
ANYWAY, back to my day & the point of this blog.
had my beautiful cousin's 20th!!! 20th!!! b'day today.
cant believe how old we're all getting.
really doesn't feel right.
i can just see time's going to pass us by really fast, and i cant do anything to stop it.
decided after about 2 minutes of being in the company of her/my friends, that i would not talk as most likely anything i said would be taken in a REALLY dirty way & would end up making a complete fool of myself.
i really can't do that.
so i talked.
and i think i only managed to say one taken-in-a-reallly-dirty-way thing for the entire day.
i was quite proud & pleased with them and myself.
sun just loved us way too much, couldn't get away from it.
i wonder if i will end up paying for my irresistable skin that the sun just loves to touch...
my day ended fabulously.
some people just make ur day dont they.
this is one of those people & one of those days.
i hope that uni life wont disrupt days & moments like today.
i need special things to keep me going.
my phone has either an allergy to my mum's name or an obsession to my mum's number.
it REFUSES to display my mother's name wen getting a txt or phone call from her.
it simply states the number which i hav now had to become familiar with.
things like this intrigue me.
i wonder why?
came home tonight to freshly baked sourdour bread that Dad had been making over the past few weeks.
it was actually amazing and divine and indescribable.
i'm sorry i can't put a tasting palett on the blog.
maybe i'll request for it to be a new gadget.
but please trust me it was just melting in my mouth.
still warm from baking...
melting butter...
crunchy crust...
(am i making you jealous yet??)
well yes, it was quite nice anyway.
looking forward to my first friday night off.
and i'm 18 which makes it even better.
does feel slightly weird without having to prepare a solo audition, but it's a lovely break.
so happy :D
"Where there is no vision, the people perish."
-Proverbs 29:18

Till we meet again...
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