really didn't want to.
slept in about half an hour over my alarm.
and turns out i didn't even hav to get there early.
cause my mentor can't meet at 9:30am on a friday.
ah fun times.
but had a nice strawberry smoothie with people while waiting.
would hav prefered to sleep tho.
so my car trips this week hav been great.
been really tired so had to look at things to keep me awake.
this is wat today consisted of that made me smile.
i went round a roundabout.
i was listening to classic FM.
just as a car passed me, a lady was singing opera on the radio.
the lady in the car yawned at the exact same time.
it looked like she was singing the opera.
it made me laugh.
you know i was thinking this morning about marriage.
doon't know why.
and still can't seem to work it out.
how important a thing it is in life for people.
but really ur just deciding to live with them forever.
just two human beings living together.
sharing thoughts.
laughing together.
being unafraid to let emotions & feelings go.
being yourself.
helping make decisions with each other.
it really doesn't seem that hard.
if that person really is ur best friend of course it could work.
this thought just seemed to occupy my car trip this morning.
very weird...
had a full day of learning & rehearsing coreography to the song we learnt tuesday.
so much fun but really intense.
me being tired didn't really help either.
and huge assignment to do!!
ah it's a cool assignment, but intensely a lot of work and no class time.
the weather today just intrigued me.
little things.
drops of rain.
how so many tiny drops of water all at one time can make a huge mess of water.
on me.
getting me wet.
then the storm clouds.
oh wow.
just amazing.
the view i saw was just indescribable.
i would hav taken a picture but not even that could hav given it justice.
the clouds were seriously so close i could hav touched them.
the colours ranged from a bubbly white to the blackest of blacks.
then beyond that were the mountains below a beautiful blue sky.
i almost drove off the road i was so intrigued.
there's a part in my trip home that for some reason i always think about the song playing on the
radio at that time.
it always seems to be a girl singing.
the first time i did it i was trying to work out wat the song was actually about.
if it had any deeper meaning to just wat was being said.
it was literally just about sex.
i'm pretty sure i could hav come up with something deeper than that.
so every day since, i hav tried to listen to the song playing and wat it was about.
love usually.
how typical.
moving in tommorow.
get to sleep in tommorow.
get my new bed tommorow.
ah tommorow.
and the weekend.
long weekend.
after only one week i'm ready for a long weekend.
this could be a problem i'm thinking.
"Above all, continue to love one another fervently..."
-1 Peter 4:8a

Till we meet again...
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