this tiredness thing is odd.
i am wanting to go to bed early.
i find it amusing.
to get to sleep.
i feel proud of myself for getting on the pillow so early.
knowing i will get enough sleep to last me till 7pm the next day.
then the cycle starts again.
a few things are making themselves known to me at the moment.
they are good, interesting, bad, depressing, and probably no interest to you at all.
firstly, i am missing people so much.
i suppose i hav never really been a heavy socialite...well not until recently anyway.
thought i would be fine.
make new friends.
life moves on.
but it is tuesday.
i am missing my wonderful nacho 5 & co. so so much.
it's ridiculous.
how am i ever going to cope?
i just don't like it very much.
secondly, my computer is soooo slow.
this worries me.
i hav to use it this year.
something is seriously wrong.
wat am i going to do?
i just don't like it very much.
thirdly, i need a bed.
this actually excites me a bit.
get to go bed shopping tommorow in ballarat on my own.
my evil excited eyes are starting to make an appearance.
uni today was great.
enjoyed an amazing acting class, then great singing repertoire class.
saw passion in my teachers.
i really liked that.
it inspired me.
was slightly depressed by a 98% unemployment rate in the industry.
how wonderful...
but i'll enjoy these three years.
i don't need to worry.
just live.
i want the weekend to come.
so badly.
if i breathe & keep writing a blog every night, it will eventually come.
i'm trusting on this theoretic notion of mine.
i really feel quite blan & my brain isn't giving much out tonight so i appologise.
i am sorry.
so sorry.
i am so depressing.
just get me off the computer.
this is ridiculous.
i need to sleep.
"T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far...and Grace will lead us home."
Amazing Grace - John Newton

Till we meet again...
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