Monday, March 29, 2010


so i just sat down & read exfoliate's blog while watching August Rush.
and i just want to say that yes although the internet doesn't quite convey tone or deep emotion, i could feel the happiness seeping through the bright green words that were being written.
her smile i could see right before my eyes.
the melbourne uni setting that i would learn to love if i had the chance.
her amazing presence i want to see again so badly.
the endless talks i would hav all over again.
the sparkle that she always has in her eyes.
and the amount of love i feel wenever im around her.
this inspires me.
music inspires me.
my friends inspire me.
my family inspires me.
to reach for dreams.
continue dreaming.
go beyond anything i could ever think of.
take risks.
embrace youth.
but at the same time embrace growing up.
enjoy every single chill i get through my body.
music & love.
they go hand in hand.
both give me chills.
both make me smile.
both need emotion to function.
they're both wat i long for in life.
they're both wat keeps me going at times.

i'm happy.
a bit confused.
but how is that out of the ordinary.
starting to understand people.
i can't wait till 4:30 thursday.

Till we meet again...

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